WEEK 18 - Can't get you out of my head. Let's rhyme!

My favorite tip for creating memorable Instagram content? A little rhyme goes a long way!

"Saucy and Bossy" illustration by Lauren Hom.

Hello and welcome to Week 18 of #HOMwork!

For those of you just joining us, you can see all of the past assignments in our Challenge Archive. No pressure to complete them all, but many of you have asked, so here you go!

Throughout this challenge, I've talked about the idea of WHAT you letter being just as important as HOW you letter it. I get so many questions about writing + how to learn it, so this week I wanted to share a simple copywriting trick that I've personally found great success with when it comes to creating engaging work:


Why do jingles and song lyrics get stuck in our heads so often? Because they rhyme! I read something years ago that mentioned that people are more likely to remember a phrase if it rhymes, and that really stuck with me because I found it to be true in my own life: TV commercials, catchy songs on the radio, and short phrases that had some element of rhyming often ended up on repeat in my mind.

Your assignment this week is to come up with a unique phrase that rhymes and then create a piece of artwork based off of it. 

It can be as simple as my 'Saucy and Bossy' example above, or it can be a bit more complex, like the examples below.

My advice is to keep it short and sweet. You don't need to write an entire poem; you just need to find a few words that create a rhyme that's meaningful or interesting to you.

"She's got skills that pay the bills" hand-lettering by Lauren Hom.
"Making Art and Breaking Hearts" hand lettering by Lauren Hom.

The second part of the challenge is to post your designed rhyme on Instagram with the hashtag #HOMwork so we can see what everyone created. In the caption, tell us why you chose your rhyme and what it means to you!

Make sure to complete & post your work before the next challenge comes out if you want a chance to be featured in my Story.

Can't wait to see what rhymes you come up with (and which ones get stuck in my head)!



WEEK 19 - Groceries have never looked this gorgeous!


WEEK 17 - What are you going to challenge this year?