To 100% make sure you don’t miss announcements about next class, go to your email inbox right now and add to your contacts.

I'm looking forward to teaching you everything I know about making a kickass passion project during the next session of the class! I’ll let you know at least 1 month in advance of the next enrollment period so you can mark your calendars and prepare yourself for 5 weeks of creative marketing magic.

If you need something to tide you over until then, here are a few ideas:

  • Subscribe to my FREE Creative Resource Library to get instant access to helpful tutorials, worksheets, and other goodies to help grow your creative skills and business.

  • Interested in hand lettering? Enroll in my full-day online workshop.

  • Make sure you’re following me on Instagram @homsweethom to keep up with the projects coming from my desk and the thoughts spillin’ out of my head. Here are a few of my latest pieces:

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This is an example. To display your Instagram posts, double-click here to add an account or select an existing connected account. Learn more

Keep contributing your art to the world and inspiring others around you. Hope to see you in class soon!