WEEK 20 - I'm in a sketchbook of emotion.
Okay did anyone get that subtle Anchorman reference I was trying to make in the subject line?
Hello and welcome to Week 20 of #HOMwork!
During my travels in 2016, I made it a point to draw in my sketchbook more often and started lettering my feelings from each week. I titled this mini-series "Weekly Feels" and posted them on Instagram. I found this exercise to be a fun way to practice my lettering AND a healthy way to reflect on my week. In addition to this, people seemed to really love when I posted these, not only for the lettering but for the vulnerability.
I started seeing tons of "YES I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO FEELS THAT WAY" and "Totally been thinking about this lately too!" comments popping up on my posts, which allowed me to connect with my followers even more.
Your assignment this week is to create your own version of my "Weekly Feels" series & letter and/or illustrate your thoughts and emotions from the week.
It can be more of a visual diary, or it can be more of a brain-dump of things that crossed your mind or events that made you think.
Since we're posting these publicly, feel free to share as much or as little as you want. I personally find a lot of value in being fairly open with my audience, but it's 100% up to you what types of feelings or thoughts you choose to illustrate in your #HOMwork this week.
As always, the second part of the challenge is to post your artwork on Instagram with the hashtag #HOMwork so we can see what everyone created. In the caption, elaborate a bit more on some of the feelings you wrote down or tell us about some of the experiences that prompted them. There's no right or wrong way to approach this assignment - it's open to your interpretation.
Make sure to complete & post your work before the next challenge comes out if you want a chance to be featured in my Story.
To get in the mood for this assignment, just think back to the diary-keeping days of your childhood. Or if you've never journaled before, I hope you're open to trying something new :)
Looking forward to seeing your Weekly Feels!
P.S. If you need a refresher on how I do my dynamic, full-page layouts like the examples in this assignment, click here to watch the timelapse video I made from Week 1's challenge!