WEEK 21 - i can’t believe we’ve never done this
Recently, I had a realization.
Out of the nearly 170 HOMwork assignments we’ve done over the years… we’ve never done a self-portrait assignment. How is that even possible?!
I’ve been marinating a lot lately on how unique we all are, and the massive combo of things that make each of us original, special, whatever you want to call it.
Creatives sometimes get equated to their style, but there’s so much more to each of us!
Actually, thinking back to the many creatives in my life, I can say that they’re ALL unique. I’ve never thought, “this creative is just like another creative I know.” Each and every one has been memorable for specific reasons.
It’s a little mind blowing when I really dig into it!
Especially because so many of us work in specialized areas of the already refined “creative” population.
How cool is it that, of the hundreds (maybe thousands) of designer-slash-educators or hand letterers out there, every single one is unique?! Even when styles or programs may be similar, the people running the show are so varied and memorable.
I think it’s excellent. And kind of a relief, especially in those seasons when I spend a lot of time thinking about myself in relation to other artists. When I start to spin out on things like talent and style it’s so reassuring to remember that I am an original.
Hopefully that’s reassuring to you, too!
This week’s assignment is a celebration of YOU and the things that make you an original. And, in the spirit of the creative stretch assignment from a few weeks ago, this week’s assignment is oriented around something all artists are familiar with: the self-portrait.
Your assignment: Create a self-portrait that captures the essence of YOU.
Thought starter: “Self-portrait” incorporates a lot of different kinds of art, so don’t feel like you need to stick to a specific genre or medium. Take a photograph (and draw on it, like I did!), paint or illustrate yourself, letter your name in a style that feels like you, sculpt a mini version of you… the possibilities are endless.
The point is to create a visual representation of YOU in all your unique awesomeness at this specific moment in time.
Things that might be unique to you (*not an exhaustive list):
Color palette
What inspires you
Media (cheese sculpture, anyone?)
Caption ideas: Go into depth about how you think of yourself. What makes you YOU? How did you represent your uniqueness in your self-portrait?
Engagement tip: Ask your audience how they are unique. What sets them apart? If you’re able, reply to their comments or add on to their observations.
Don’t forget to tag me @homsweethom and use the #HOMwork & #HOMwork2021 hashtag when you post on Instagram. I love looking through your excellent creations and sharing a few of my favs every week in my IG Stories before the next assignment is posted.