I usually make December a low-work month, so normally, this is where I would promise to meet you enthusiastically in January with a collection of new prompts…
WEEK 36 - Design. Your. Own. Path.
Some of my favorite board games are ones with a visually appealing path to victory…
WEEK 35 - what does it mean to show up authentically online?
Most of the stuff we put on social media is a how-to or an answer, or some other thing that positions us as knowledgeable, even expert…
WEEK 34 - the importance of playing by your own rules
I’ve been noodling on the way high performers streamline some of their decision making processes…
WEEK 33 - take everything online with a grain of salt
I’m not sure I have ever taken a trip without my laptop until a few weeks ago when I went to New York City…
WEEK 30 - geometry, art, and mid-90s USDA lobbying conflicts?
So… who remembers the food pyramid?
WEEK 28 - Coming to a newsstand near you
Last week, I taught a free workshop outlining my framework for coming up with (and filtering down) ideas for creative passion projects…
WEEK 25 - finding inspiration in an empty jam jar
My grandma has this adorable thing where she keeps M&Ms in an old Smuckers jar…
WEEK 23 - why you have a bigger claim to your dream job title than you think
If you were a subscriber last year, you’ll remember a prompt we did about a future dream…
WEEK 19 - so big it almost feels silly
So many people are coming out of the last year with Big Changes on their minds and in their lives…